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The Truth About Weed

Marijuana is A very confusing topic for most man-kind, but throughout history marijuana has been used for many, many reasons. Marijuana has been used as a Way to self-release, as it can be soothing, relaxing, and just an overall deep comfort, but that is just the basic things marijuana does, and in my opinion not the best. 2 of the greatest gift's from Marijuana is it's ability to stop

seizures or very, very greatly reduced them (Particularly achieved from CBD Ingestion) and the results it has gave curing cancer, with pure extracts, heres what they want you to know, and this is what you don't hear about. This might be known to most truly dedicated smokers, and supporters of marijuana but the general public needs to learn more about this too. The Government and Pharmaceutical companies, which when you boil it down It's all about money, the networth of 'Pills' in the U.S. is way more valuable and profitable than the Promise of embracing marijuana are. One day the truth will be out but anyone who knows needs to educate those who don't, get out and vote when the polls have the option to vote, I know the page is centered around 'Ohio','YesIssue3','NoIssue2', but I support Marijuana for anywhere, and anyone. I believe Marijuana is Our Human Right, Yet Alcohol is widely embraced; causes death, crimes, and Longest the history of an abusive addiction, throughout history. If anyone has anything I should add or questions about what I've talked please feel free to contact me in the contact box at the bottom of the Home page I will reply A.S.A.P.

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