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Legalize it

Marijuana (Tetrahydracanibanol) is considered to be a illicit drug yet it has shown no other characteristics of any other drug, be it prescription or legal, the world is slowly coming to accept it asthe miracle medicine it is. Some people believe it has no known medical value yet in India a man had used an extract of Cannabis on a woman who been possitively tested for cancer and after the treatment was used she tested negative for it doctors were stumped, but me on the other hand, I'm not. I believe there is many more secrets and miracles waiting to be discovered from the wonderful cannabis sativa plant. If that is not enough for you maybe cold hard cash is what motivates you think of the revenue that can be generated from legal, taxed Marijuana, and our government acts as if the economy doesn't need something like that, yet alcohol is Legal and has been for a long, long time, While it kills people, causes people to kill people and rapidly destroys the liver causing life-long problems for people. I would like to believe that Marijuana is a miracle plant and has much more of a medical value that alcohol, also seeming No one has died from smoking a joint; EVER.

P.S. If you live in a state where medical/Recreational Marijuana is on the balot this year you should register to vote and when January 1st Rolls around, Fire in the hole, Thanks for reading keep up on my site as I will post more.

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